Revenue & marketing for holiday apartments

Top sales team for your holiday property

What makes professional holiday home management stand out? Without question, one of the most important factors is sales and marketing. At we rent, we take the financial success of our owners very seriously. Good consultation includes a solid estimate of the turnover of your holiday apartments or chalet. How do we achieve this? With the wealth of data we have collected in recent years in our core regions such as Zell am See, Kaprun, Saalbach and Rauris. We go even further and incorporate the booking outlook for the next twelve months, ensuring the perfect marketing for your holiday apartment or home. It only takes a few minutes to create a forecast!

Excellent on-site support

We take responsibility for your holiday rental and take care of all important processes and correspondence, such as full financial services including accounting, smooth check-in with guest registration, and 24/7 software access for guests and owners. But that's not all: while many industry colleagues outsource cleaning and caretaker services to external service providers, we invest a lot of resources in training our own team. This includes providing our own laundry and caretaker services. Because we take full responsibility for our – and your – guests.

We rent apartment & chalet sales for summer holidays

Yield and price management

High-quality holiday properties deserve strong revenue. For the we rent holiday home management team, however, this does not always mean the highest price or occupancy rate at any cost. We check supply and demand on a daily basis to find the right guests for the holiday weeks on offer. Yield and price management are vital at we rent, achieved by the intelligent use of our in-house software and the management of regional trends by our yielding team.

We rent holiday home sales for summer holidays

Forecast for your business plan

We advise owners on renovations, new builds and the strategic direction of their holiday rentals. This requires a solid business plan for tax advisors, banks and insurance companies. Instead of commissioning expensive and time-consuming invoices from auditors, our owners can calculate their own forecast in just a few minutes.

Marketing on 26 holiday platforms

As well as the right price, a comprehensive and healthy marketing mix is needed to achieve your desired result. Is your booking calendar full, but only with bookings from the big players like and AirBnB? For demanding seasons, this is one of the most dangerous signs. In addition to important global platforms such as Homeaway and Expedia, we specialise in channels for regional markets that can vary in importance between holiday destinations. Our marketing for holiday apartments and chalets is always based on market conditions, whether regional or global.

We rent apartment & chalet marketing for winter holidays

Data: The foundation of the direct booking rate

We have been intensively involved in tourism marketing since 2014. To date, no owner has left us of their own accord. And why would they? Every year, our partnerships intensify. We have a very detailed segmentation of our customer data and use it for exceptional direct marketing to increase owners’ revenues year on year. To do this, we use highly personalised message automation (newsletters, WhatsApp, SMS) as well as paid marketing campaigns that noticeably increase the number of enquiries on our own websites and those of the owners (Google, GDN, and many more).

We rent guest marketing for summer seasons

Long-term partnerships on a level playing field

We talk to interested owners in great detail about a possible partnership. We discuss commercial goals and expectations regarding on-site support. As we often employ our own personnel and work as little as possible with third-party service providers, we always have to create the necessary resources first. A professional holiday home management company can only install a limited number of partnerships per season. We do this with our core values, which our employees regularly explore in workshops: honesty, openness, passion!